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34 weeks 2 days.

Short blog today - super tired! Another day down... 9 full days in the hospital so far.

Things that happened today/thoughts in no particular order:
- My mom did not take the news of Angel's death well last night:(
- I'm getting super sick of hospital food!!!
- My new antepartum friend said she now fully understands the meaning of EDC (estimated date of CONFINEMENT). Confinement = Prison like. I do too....
- Weather has been very, very nice.
- Enjoyed visits from church friends (Keri and Madeline) and work friends very, very much! Jenna brought me dinner and a new present - Sequence cats :) We played a few rounds and that was fun.
- My grandmother went to the ER today :( My mom is going to go out to see her for two days and will end up coming here on Friday instead.
- I'm excited that my mother-in-law is also coming over the weekend!
- Baby has been moving A LOT .. where my skin will ripple and I can see him push outward
- Sad I don't get to spend very much time with Charles... maybe 30 minutes each day :(

Tomorrow, Jen and I are going to have lunch and go on a small walk... something I'm definitely looking forward to!

Dear Baby -

There are now more checked boxes then unchecked boxes until you are 35 weeks. You are coming so soon and I can't believe it. I'm going to miss you with me all the time and being pregnant, but I'm also so excited to get to hold you and meet you. Your dad feels the same way too. How do you feel about April 17th as your birthday?

A friend from medical school sent me a really encouraging e-mail. Love this!
"There's no storm that God won't carry you through. No bridge that God won't help you cross. No battle that God won't help you win. No heartache that God won't help you let go of. He is so much bigger than anything you will face today. Leave everything in His hands and embrace this day confidently knowing that He WILL take care of you."

Saying goodnight.

Gifts from visitors today!


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