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33 weeks 3 days.

Today was by far the best day since I have been inpatient. It all started when I got my IV out of my arm.... at 0300 AM. As a resident, I use to be such a huge advocate for IVs in patients (you never know what emergency can happen!!!)... and now... I completely understand why they want them OUT. After my IV was removed, I was able to get 4 hours of solid, good, drooling sleep.

Charles left about 0630 or so, and I got up shortly after. I was already in a much better mood compared to the two days before as I met a milestone...I had gotten through my steroid window (ideally, a 48 hour window to let the Betamethasone shots help mature the baby's lungs). I changed out of my hospital gown for the first time in 2 days and into a XL Yosemite shirt and leopard PJ pants. It was a huge step in trying to "be normal" again for me. I started to "work" at 0800 until 1300 on my assignments given to me by my wonderful program director.

And then I went to "Rec therapy" with the other antepartum patients. It is a time to allow the antepartum patients that are in-house to meet each other and socialize. As residents, we order this ALL THE TIME for our patients, but have very little idea what actually happens. Well, turns out we beaded necklaces. And you get a bead for different things - a black bead for a bad day, a clear bead for breaking your bag of water, a purple bead for each visitor you had each day you have been here... etc. etc. And you make it into a necklace. At quick glance, it seems a little silly... but, when you know what each bead means, it's somewhat sentimental :)

The visitors today were just as numerous as the days before. Again - so much love felt. I sat in the sun of my huge hospital window on many occasions and talked with several friends today who stopped by... something we don't get to do often as we are all so busy at work, and something I'm definitely taking advantage of. Just catching up with everyone and hearing about what's going on in their lives. It is the absolute best part of my day.

That and all my visitors are trying to give me diabetes!!! I've gotten several baked goods brought to me today.... From Coffee/Cake pop... tuile bakery... croissant/etc... scattered throughout the day. It was the sweetest (literally).

At night, Jen K, Erik, and Jenna came and spent the evening with me. What a fun time. Jenna brought a huge folding table and a few tulips to brighten the room. They brought me Thai food and we played Settlers of Catan. Dr. Dassel even sat with us for awhile. It really felt like we were just having an evening over at someone's house... and I definitely felt like I wasn't in the hospital for a few hours. It was SO nice to have that feeling.

Highlights of today:
- Generally feeling better about the situation. Accepting that I am not in control. And I have stopped scheming and trying to find ways to "make this work." We'll just deal with it whenever baby decides to come....and it will be fine. Just coming to understand the length and depth of my support system the past 3 days has REALLY helped me to realize how extremely blessed I am and that it really WILL be okay.
- Getting that IV out!
- Feeling more comfortable in my room... and starting to not feel like a complete prisoner.
- My days are feeling somewhat shorter and I'm getting less bored.
- I won Settlers of Catan!!! And not because they were being nice.....
- Next goal - 4 more days until 34 weeks. This is when baby MAY not have to go to NICU.

Goals for tomorrow:
- I'm going to try and wear real pants and a t shirt tomorrow. And look like a semi-normal person... without prancing around in the hospital in my PJs and slippers.
- I'm going to try and make as many conferences/meetings that I can for didactics.

Dear Baby,

We did your non-stress test today, and at first you didn't look so great. We had to monitor you for another hour because you didn't look very reactive. I had some apple juice to try and help the tracing, and you perked right up. I bet it's the "daily apple" I have been eating since early during the pregnancy that your grandmother has been insisting on... and she's certain you just love apples now.

We are closer to picking a name out for you. It's so embarrassing that we don't have a name for you right now... and we're sorry about that. Boy names are hard! I hope you will like whatever we pick... and just know we are giving it a lot of thought.

I still love feeling you move. And I'm going to miss that part of pregnancy... having you with me 24/7. I'm trying to cherish this every day... even more so than I did before. I'm going to miss this bump with you in it. I'm going to miss feeling you move around. I'm going to miss your hiccups. They are all signs that you are healthy and happy.

Your dad and I pray really hard that we will be good parents... that you can be proud of us one day. I'm so excited to meet you. I love you. Try to make it to 4/16 (after tax season) so your dad can really enjoy your birthday parties okay?  But either way, I know he will be there :)

"I will give thanks to you, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all your wonderful deeds. " - Psalm 9:1

"Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard you hearts and your mind in Christ Jesus."  Philippians 4:6-7

Lots of pictures today.
From my beading class today. Notice my 2 black beads for my first 2 days (bad days). Today was a yellow star (good day). Purple beads are for the number of visitors the past 2 days (NOT COUNTING TODAY which would have added a ton more). 2 paws for the kitties waiting for me a home.

One of the medical assistants drew this cat and I just love it. Below is my check boxes to mark down each day. 11 more to go for 4/16!

=The best end to the day.

So much love.
Just tons of gifts today. Im just the luckiest patient.


  1. I love your blog, tears again, I wish I was there but so very grateful for all the love you are receiving! I love you!!


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