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33 weeks 4 days.

I felt most like a resident today. I was able to get a pretty good nights sleep, and woke up in time to attend Pre-op conference... something I would have done if none of this PPROM (premature rupture of membranes) stuff happened. Wearing my Aggie T-shirt and pregnancy jeans... it was fun to defend the list with Alli and just learn from the upcoming patients and cases. I came back, worked on stuff, and then got to go to chief meeting and M&M conference. What a great conference today too! Jess and Karissa did a really good job.

It was the most "normal resident day" of this week. And I was thankful.

Still getting visitors throughout the day, and love it! And phone calls! I also got to talk to my close friend Sandy today for awhile on video chat, which always brightens my day:)

I'm thankful for:
- Another stable day. Baby had a beautiful non-stress test today and he has been moving a lot!
- Baby is head down, GBS negative (no need for additional antibiotics during labor). And... since he's smaller, maybe I can actually deliver him vaginally!
- My family and friends. My work family.

Goals for tomorrow:
- Try to take a wheelchair ride outside. I have not been outside since Monday morning walking into work.
- Try not to be sad about it being the weekend... and I'm still stuck here. Usually, Charles and I will get the house tidy for the next week, go grocery shopping, run errands, etc....(maybe even get breakfast)! I really enjoy doing these things with him. He's going to instead, catch up on work, do all of these things by himself, start moving stuff to a storage unit in preparation for baby... etc etc. Wish so much I could help....

Dear Baby,

I LOVE feeling you move! I am getting a little more anxious - I can't believe you are going to be here so soon. People tell me that when you see your first baby, you feel a love that you have literally never experienced before. I wondered for awhile what that's like...and I just know I'm going to feel that with you. I'm looking forward to your first cry (which I really hope I will be there for if they need to pass you to the NICU), counting your fingers/toes, and seeing how much hair you have (I think you'll have a lot even though you are early). Keep growing! We love you.

"Rejoice in hope, be patient in tribulation, be constant in prayer." - Romans 12:12

my hospital bump.


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