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33 weeks 5 days.

This morning started off with a beautiful sunrise - pink tinged sky. And it went by so fast!

I woke up to my adorable husband sleeping next to me on the hospital couch. I sent him to work and spent the morning finishing one of the projects given to me by Dr. Draper (and got it done! yay!).

And I continued to get visitors throughout the day. Christina H came by and gave me a yummy bagel. Emily dropped by a present, including a cat coloring book with pencils. I LOVED it and can't wait to start working on it this weekend. I enjoyed the conversations I had with my visitors today so much and had a great time just seeing everyone. Jen K spent a few hours working in my room and we both just worked on our computers - felt like we were in a library studying and I was grateful for that.

Funny story - my RN said that another nurse on the unit asked her if "the patient in 2309 was really sick. I just see so many doctors and people going into that room!" She got a good chuckle, as did I.

In the afternoon, I walked with Jen and Jess to the front of the hospital... and got to spend 5 minutes sitting outside. My first time being outside since Monday. It was so nice to just sit there and feel the wind. We went to Starbucks in the hospital after and hung out for a few more minutes... I must say I felt very safe sitting with 2 obgyn chief residents:)

One of the crummy parts of being in this situation is that I am unable to work some of my upcoming call shifts. And here is where my work family has been so amazing. My co-residents immediately picked up the slack - no questions asked. It's another reason I know, hands down, that I go to the best residency ever. I'm so, so thankful for them. Jess is picking up my call shift this weekend, and is currently on LND. She was able to eat dinner with me, as Stu brought us both Chick-fil-A. It was so good... I was getting a little tired of hospital food (even though it hasn't been bad).

I spent a little time on LND tonight, and now I am hanging out with Charles. Not a bad day at all!

I'm thankful for:
1. Another stable day! NO fevers, normal vitals. No changes in physical exam.
2. The exceptional care I am getting at the hospital. And the opportunity to get to know the nurses better. Although I have worked with them the past 4 years, we don't really have that much contact outside of getting some updates about our patients or talking with them when something goes wrong. It is really nice to get to know them on a personal level... and I feel somewhat guilty I'm just doing it now.
3. My family and friends. My work family. I'm thankful for this every day.

Dear Baby,

You gave me a TINY scare today. Honestly, it was nothing. Your heart rate was just a little bit higher than it had been the past few days (and with an elevated heart rate, this could mean a sign of infection), but overall your tracing looked beautiful. From a doctor's prospective, I would have not given this change in heart rate too much thought - overwhelmingly, it is normal. But, from a mother's perspective, I was WORRIED. So much so, that the team got another NST in the afternoon to give me some relief.

I bet I am going to feel this sense of worry after you are born with every hiccup, cough, or sneeze... and even more so since you will be a preemie. Becoming a mother is so strange; a changing of yourself from being a mainly selfish person to a selfless provider to a tiny human being. And although none of this week was "part of the plan," I know it is 100% what you need... and I would do anything to give you the best chance of doing well after you take your first breath. Sorry you have such a type A mom (future tiger mom;)

We love you!!! One more day closer to meeting you!

"Fear not, for I am with you. Be not dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you, I will help you. I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." - Isaiah 41:10.

The view from my hospital window this AM.

My sweet husband sleeping on the uncomfortable hospital couch

Fun gifts from Emily today.. a fellow Texan
Two non-stress tests today!


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