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33 weeks 6 days.

Lazy Saturday. Spent a lot of today in the room looking outside the hospital window. It was expected to be a pretty rainy day. Started that way, and then the sun came out... which made the hospital stay harder. The storm rolled in and now it's snowing...might be the last snow I will see before leaving Utah, which is sad to think about it.

Worked a little bit today, but did more lounging around than anything. Not much to report. Spencer and family came to visit today ... and I loved seeing Kellie and the kids. They made me a cute little card and brought me a small present. Really sweet visit. Got to talk to some friends on video chat / text/ phone... and watched the day go by from my large windows.

Being at the hospital is getting easier... things are falling into a routine (and I like routines). I get vitals, fetal heart tones, and or meds every 4 hours from my RN / HCA. The nutritionist brings me a tray for every meal. I talk to my housekeeper a little when she helps me freshen up the room. I go on two small walks. But, it still doesn't get my mind off the fact that at any minute, things will drastically change and I'll get to meet this little boy. It's a looming thought in the back of my mind at all times.

When I can, I try not to think about the fact that I will have literally lived at the hospital for almost 1 week... with another potential week to go. I have never been hospitalized in the past, so thinking about this makes the walls close in and feel suffocating. Probably why I felt a little blue today.

But things to be excited about:
1. In 2 hours.... I will be 34 weeks and 0 days. Major milestone! Go baby go!
2. Ashley/Jen K/ Jess/ maybe others?? coming for a game night tomorrow. Party in 2309!

Dear Baby,

You moved around A LOT today. Your dad was even surprised how much you were squirming underneath my skin. Makes us so happy. Getting even more anxious to meet you!!! I saw some youtube videos today of what a 34 week baby looks like, and it made me excited. You won't look too much like an alien. I've been trying to find ways to prepare for your arrival... well as much as I can from a hospital. Looked up potential preemie clothes, doing more reading on breastfeeding, reading checklists for having a preemie baby. Makes me feel closer to you.

You are going to be 34 weeks so soon. And I'm so proud that we have made it to this milestone. Let's keep going ... continue to grow, avoid infections, avoid potential disasters. Love you so much. Even though I haven't gotten to see you, I'm already so happy to be your mom.

"Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart." - Psalm 37:4

Farthest I have gone from the hospital's doors since Monday.

Card from Spencer's kids. SO CUTE.

Enjoying a BRIEF turn outside. Snow!


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