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34 weeks 0 days.

Today, we celebrated! 34 weeks - major milestone for the baby. This is the first day that a baby won't necessarily have to go to the NICU (although many still do) and their lungs are considered more mature. We had a large dump of fresh snow, and I forced Charles to head up to Alta for one last ski day. Although he was nervous about leaving me, I wanted him to enjoy this day on the mountain for the both of us. He said it was the best ski day he has ever had as he was knee deep in powdery snow the entire time with very few visitors. I was pleased he was able to do this today... I will miss the snow a lot after we move from Utah.

Didn't do much today - worked on some stuff on the computer, credentialing stuff for my job in the fall, listened to stuff about breastfeeding, cleaned my room. In the afternoon, Charles brought Darko in our cat backpack to see me at the front of the hospital - and I was SOOO HAPPY!!! I got to sit in the car with him and just hold him for awhile. Sometimes I do forget I'm a 31 year old doctor when I see my cats. I know this really makes me into a crazy cat lady... but cat therapy was the best. My spirits were very high after seeing him.

At night, we had a little party in my room. Ashley/Mike, Jen K/Erik, Jess P/Stu, and Charles and I had dinner and played games. It was such a great time... I had so much fun!!! We stuffed ourselves with pho and dessert from Trader Joe's. We then played the Resistance (sort of like Mafia) and Bohnanza - my new favorite game. It was a really nice evening and again, felt more like we were at someone's house (or actually in my dorm room or something) instead of being at the hospital. What wonderful friends to bring this to me... I am so thankful for each of you!!! Such a fun night... and something we probably won't get to do again before the baby comes.

Charles just fell asleep and I'm about to tuck in for bed. An amazing day. One more week to go (hopefully) before we meet this little guy. Oh, and I think we finally have a name!

Dear Baby,

You are becoming more real to me every day as I think about actually delivering you and what you will look like. As things have calmed down from the craziness of last Monday, I admit I am now scared about going to labor and delivery to have you. Even though being on LND is usually another day at work for me, it's all new to me as a patient. What do contractions feel like? Will an epidural hurt when it's being placed? Will you tolerate labor? Am I going to push well? Will you cry immediately after you are born? So many fears. But that fear is completely shrouded by the joy I have when I think about holding you. I just can't wait.

"The Lord is good to those who wait for him, to the soul who seeks him." - Lamentations 3:25.
View from hospital window this morning - fresh snow!

Missed my Darko so much.

Surprise flowers from my cute husband!!

Party!!!! Eating Pho.

Playing games in the room - so much fun!!!!! Thankful for these friends.


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